#BFCVerona: Green Pass information for entering the stadium
In order to simplify procedures for accessing the stadium during #BFCVerona, we have provided some suggestions below:
- Arrive at the Dall’Ara well in advance, or respect the time slot shown on your ticket.
- Prepare your necessary documents for accessing the facility in advance: ticket, identity document and green pass. It will be useful to have everything ready when approaching the stewards.
- If you have a green pass in paper form, please check that you have printed it correctly (with a white/black colour combination) and that you have kept it in excellent condition (the paper must not be wrinkled and/or wet and/or folded in the wallet). It is also advisable to have a digital copy on a smartphone that is readily readable in case of any problems (which are frequent) with the paper version.
- If you have a green pass in digital form (smartphone), please download the QR CODE in advance and have your smartphone already unlocked with the QR CODE displayed (having your mobile phone locked or having the QR CODE not displayed correctly can delay verification). It is advisable to keep your QR CODE readily available in your mobile phone’s gallery.
- If you know you have problems with your green pass (e.g., it has expired following the first dose; you have not been able to download it or other problems), please do not queue at the stadium but arrive well in advance and report the problem to the staff on duty without creating a queue. We remind you that having downloaded the QR CODE is not always the same as having a valid green pass (the green pass is usually issued in the 48 hours following the first dose of vaccine but is only valid from the 15th day after receiving the vaccine).