Friday 25 June 2021 - h 14:49


Bologna and Scala once again supporting those most vulnerable

Another appointment in solidarity for Bologna and sleeve sponsor Scala, a brand of detergents produced by Deco Industrie, who, as part of the ‘WeAreOne 2020 Ripartiamo Insieme’ project (the Italian translating to ‘Let’s start over together’), organised a delivery of detergent products to a local non-profit organisation.

The beneficiary of the initiative was Arca della Misericordia, a Bologna-based non-profit organisation that deals on a daily basis with people and families in the area in situations of employment, housing and social fragility.

This donation is part of a wide-ranging programme of initiatives launched by Deco Industrie in 2021 to celebrate the company’s 70th anniversary.


Pre-sales only for Season Ticket holders«We are one» cardholderscitizens of Bologna. Regular sales will begin on .

