Wednesday 19 July 2017 - h 12:00


Note from the club

In light of Wednesday’s articles published in the Repubblica Bologna and the Corriere di Bologna, here is the following:

  • CEO Fenucci and board member Bergamini were not summoned by President Saputo to discuss the issues regarding the stadium and marketing: Fenucci will be in Canada over the next few days, during which he will also visit New York (a trip planned for some time) for the American stage of a roadshow organised by Lega Serie A, as he plans to meet with international investors.

  • The missing bill is one that has already been noted by the club (the misappropriation amounts to €3000) and the hierarchy is preparing civil and legal action against the party responsible.

  • As for the collaboration with the Innova agency, which has accrued commissions for a total of €36,000, Bologna Fc 1909 would like to highlight that in the Italian footballing sphere, they are one of the clubs who least rely on external agencies in the commercial field, which are absolutely legitimate. Over the course of last season, the total commission paid amounted to less than €40,000, which included the figure from above. In regards to alleged involvement and conflict of interests from board members Bergamini and Piredda, of which the hierarchy has taken into consideration, they reserve the right to protect their own affairs and reputations.

  • That the marketing and sales manager Winterling has been in charge of an agency for many years is a well-known fact, as it is also well-known that the agency in question operates in a different field from the one in which Bologna’s marketing team operates, with which it has no relationship.

To conclude, it is remarkable the fact that the two articles noted highlight one specific club area, one that has seen the arrival of new ownership and an increase in commercial turnover to €11 million from €6.5 million in 2013-14, instead choosing to emphasise events that are marginal in comparison to the figures set out above. It also important to note that the club has for some time had an internal auditing faction and a controlling body that looks over the efficiency and validity of internal matters.


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