Saputo: “Happy Birthday to all of us”
Today is a special day: Bologna turns 110 years old. It’s an important anniversary because we want to celebrate in the best way possible. Because those 110 years contain the memories, the emotions, the passions of an entire city. Of a community that more than a century again discovered their passion for this wonderful game and for these colours that have become a second skin for the Bolognesi.
The initiatives which we have organised for this anniversary, aim to be a trip through time, along a path made of successes, both nationally and internationally, and of great champions, who have worn our Rossoblù shirt. A journey also through the history of the fans, of the great passion that accompanies us through the generations. And of the pride that will never leave our fans, and above all the youngest fans.
Because we can never forget that Bologna is one of the clubs that has helped define the history of both Italian and European football. Fourth most titles in Italy, the first to win an international trophy, the first to defeat an English team. These are achievements that time cannot tarnish, just as it will never tarnish the unique spirit with which the Bolognesi live football and live their lives.
110 years ago, a few metres down the street from Maggiore Piazza, where back then there was the Via Spaderie, Bologna Football Club was founded.
It was a Sunday and around the tables of the Ronzani bar were many young people who had a shared passion for this new game. They practiced it at the Prati di Caprara, not far from the location of our current stadium, Dall’Ara.
There were Bolognesi, no question: I think of our first captain, Arrigo Gradi, or of the very young Guido Della Valle, who was just 15 years old, but it wasn’t just Bolognesi: there was Emil Arnstein, a Bohemian, and there were the students of the Royal Spanish College, first among them Antonio Bernabeu. There was the Swiss Louis Rauch, who was our first president.
It pleases me that today I can underline the international appeal that our club has had since its origins. Because Bologna is a city that is proud of its own identity, but also, from the beginning, open to the world, thanks to its thousand year old academic tradition.
That day was the start of a sporting story that has given the city of Bologna a sense of prestige for 110 years. And a story, of this I am certain, that will continue to still make Bolognesi proud, for generation after generation.
Because of this I say: be proud of Bologna, be proud of our history, be proud of yourselves.
Forza Bologna, always. And Happy Birthday to all of us!
Joey Saputo