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Things to do before you start writing your resume

So that you do not forget anything while writing, it is advisable to first collect and structure all the documents that you have worked on in your life so far. Documents related to a resume include, for example, school reports, internship certificates, vacation work certificates, or job recommendations. Also certificates and certificates of professional development or knowledge of the language are very interesting and important depending on the application. Drafting and structuring these documents before writing your resume saves time, on the one hand, since you do not have to rummage through folders while you write it, and on the other hand, you are intensively pursuing your previous personal career before writing, for this you can hire service to do my paper for me. When structuring documents, you should also try to prioritize which documents may be particularly important to the success of your application and which may say little about your own competencies.

Some thoughts before writing
Now that all the interesting documents are available and structured, it is a good idea to think about how you want and might need to present yourself and your abilities on your resume. Especially when applying for an apprenticeship or job, the content of the resume should be relevant to the relevant vacancy and be tailored to it. To do this, it is helpful to first clearly define which job seeker profile the company is looking for. This can be obtained, for example, from a job posting. Online research can also be informative as it can provide information about the characteristics and knowledge that a candidate must bring with him to a particular profession or apprenticeship. A visit to the company’s website is also not a mistake: as an applicant, you can get an idea of ​​how the company sees itself and align your profile with that of the company.

How do I write my resume?
The most common form of curriculum vitae today is tabular curriculum vitae. A common feature of this type of resume is the tabular structure, as the name suggests (for a better illustration, it might be worth taking a look at the resume templates provided). Basically, tabular biographies are a two-column table: the left column indicates the time period during which you were active. The activity itself is entered in the right column. Actions are grouped by headings. While students can still list primary school due to their generally short lifetimes, after completing their studies or earning a degree, it is best to refrain from including primary school on their resume. Thus, the activities are in chronological order. In the case of shorter summaries, this order may be in ascending chronological order. The very last action is at the top, and all subsequent actions are closer to the present. However, American resumes are widespread these days and are especially suited to longer resumes. In this case, the actions are listed in chronological order in descending / backward order, i.e. the last action taken is at the top. The applicant’s personal data can always be found at the beginning of the resume. They are also usually displayed in a table.

Additional Resources:

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